The Ears

As The Ears, my dedication to high-quality audio production and storytelling has driven brand satisfaction across various projects. From awareness campaigns to podcasts and advocacy initiatives, I’m passionate about delivering immersive audio experiences that resonate with audiences.


Throughout my projects, I’ve mastered audio production software like Pro Tools and Adobe Audition, ensuring flawless sound quality and consistency. My attention to detail ensures that every sound aligns perfectly with the story, whether it’s the subtle rustling of paper or the intense hum of city life. My skills include:


  • Brand Messaging Alignment: Crafting narratives that align with a brand’s values and goals.
  • Project Management: Overseeing projects from ideation to final delivery.
  • Script Interpretation and Adaptation: Understanding and adapting scripts to tell the most compelling story.
  • Audio Mixing and Mastering: Ensuring a polished final sound product.
  • Creative Soundscaping: Building immersive soundscapes that elevate storytelling.
  • Creative Problem Solving: Finding innovative solutions to audio challenges.

I’ve also had the privilege of collaborating with and coaching over 150 voiceover talents as a voice and dialogue director on numerous projects. Using a “Context-Based” storytelling approach, I help them understand and communicate the essence of the story, providing constructive feedback to elevate their performances and ensure that the final product resonates deeply with the audience.


Being a casting director requires not just any pair of ears but finely tuned listening prowess. It’s about understanding the nuances of voice texture and, most importantly, achieving the perfect “Voice Fit.” Every project has a distinct tone, mood, and audience, so finding the right voice is crucial. It’s not just about selecting a voice that sounds good, but one that resonates with the brand’s message and embodies the story being told. The role requires an empathetic understanding of both the brand’s goals and the voiceover talent’s strengths. This combination of analytical precision and empathetic guidance allows me to craft casts that elevate stories to new heights and make every audio production a standout success.


This led me to start the Soundbaking Company, a media and creative agency on a mission to empower brands with the ability to forge deep connections with their target audience, transforming them from mere listeners to passionate brand advocates.


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